Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
You've reached the home page of Mark Foster <mark@foster.cc>
I work for ExtraHop Networks as a
IT Systems Engineer.
My resume and CV are available online.
I live in Shoreline, Washington (USA), which is just north of Seattle, with my wife and two teenage children.
In my meager spare time I am usually engaged in one of the following activities:
Organizations, user groups and people that I am affiliated with, support or just dig.
Projects & Code
These are listed newest to oldest.
- java-exportpriv - Java utility to export private key from a JSSE keystore
- SVNSPam - commit notifier for Subversion
- Scavenge - discover and audit DNS records (forward A and reverse PTR) to assist in zone cleanup.
- myupdate - a script to automatically update your FreeBSD system sources and make world if UPDATING has changed. Run it from cron daily.[added 2005-04-06]
- Tree Fort - or "what I did this summer" [2003-07/30]
- email_pass.cgi - LDAP utility script to send users their forgotten password.
Requires Perl, Net::LDAP and Mail-tools modules.
- bha -"blackhole apache" - blackhole-route rogue hosts asking for suspicious files eg. Code-Red (shell script, BSD systems).
- snare - [updated 2003-03/05]
- qpurge - a perl script to clean up a (sendmail) mail queue by using regular expression matching on the mail headers. For example:
./qpurge "To: <freeporn.*@itek.de>"
- Java applications